• Explaining Xing Yi Quan’s seven movement concept (起落钻翻橫竖順)

    Here are the seven key words used a lot in classic Xing Yi manual: Lifting (起), Dropping (落), Drilling (钻), Overturning (翻), horizontal (橫), vertical (竖), Follow (順) 。 I will use Pi Quan’s movement to explain the above seven key words/concept: The beginning of your hand’s movement is “Lifting”. Then it comes out straight
  • Jing (静) is the key to Chinese Internal Martial Art training

    “Wang Zhengnan's epitaph” (王征南墓志铭) written by Huang Zongxi (黄宗羲) in around 1670, is the first document differentiated Chinese Internal and External martial art styles. The definition for Internal art is “Using Stillness to control Movement” (以静制动) in contrary to External art’s “Focus on attacking” (主于搏人). Thus, the training approach is also different. External styles emphasis
  • Tai Chi Foot Stepping

    In the 13 fundamental techniques, stepping (forward, backward, left and right) has a significant part of it. The way to step is also unique to Tai Chi training. Practicing proper stepping in your Tai Chi form is important to develop “Footwork” (步法) and “Body Movement (身法) in Tai Chi martial applications. In Stepping, you must