• Open Tai Chi Push Hands event Sep 2016

    Throughout years of my training, I have participated and organised many friendly exchange events for different styles of martial artists to come together share their skill and experience. I believe such an open-minded approach is truly beneficial to all involved.

    “Push Hands”, being a controlled, testing method for mainly Tai Chi practitioners, is becoming more popular as a cross training/testing platform for different Tai Chi and Chinese Internal Martial Art (IMA) styles.

    During my trip in Beijing this year, I have participated three such events. Crossed hands with many Tai Chi and other style practitioners. Great experience.

    As requested by popular demand of my Tai Chi friends (and their friends), I organised a more open exchange events centered on “Push Hands” for our Sydney Tai Chi practitioners. It is invitation only. All Style Tai Chi practitioners are welcome with some simple rules:

    1. Safety is paramount.

    • So there is always someone watching the event to ensure it stays friendly not over heated and out of control.
    • No Hitting/Striking,
    • By default, no Wrestling/Take-down, no Joint locking techniques unless agreed by both parties.
    • Should Wrestling, take down techniques allowed, it should be practiced on Grass ground.

    2. Friendly environment

    We are here to make friends and learning from each other. Minimizing egos.

    3. Everyone is responsible/liable for their own action and consequence. Organizers has no legal liability for any injuries caused by the event.

    We had people from Yang, Chen, Wu, Hao and Sun style Tai Chi, Bagua, Xingyi, Wing Chun, Chinese Wrestling and etc. The event is a huge success. Everyone enjoyed, stayed friendly and asking for more to be organised more regularly.

  • Posted by Joe on October 24, 2016 at 10:40 am

    Hope to watch one next year


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