Recommended books for Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi practitioners
Here are some books that I came cross for traditional Yang style Tai Chi training.
1. “太极拳体用全书”, by Yang Chengfu (杨澄甫 Author), written by Cheng Manqing (郑曼青).
Available in English, “The Essence and Application of Taijiquan” translated by Louis Swaim.
Essential for learning traditional Yang style Tai Chi. Not straight forward for beginners, can be read over and over to gain better understanding over the time. It includes detailed explanation of the martial application of the form.
A very good reference guide to Yang Chengfu’s “Eight Five” form.
2. “杨式太极拳”, by Fu Zhongwen (傅钟文)
Available in English, “Mastering Yang Style Taijiquan” translated by Louis Swaim.
Complimentary to the above Yang Chengfu’s book with more focus on form instruction. Another good reference guide to Yang Chengfu’s “Eight Five” form.
3. “郑子太极拳十三篇”, by Cheng Manqing (郑曼青)
Available in English, “Cheng Tzu’s Thirteen Treatises on Tai Chi Chuan” translated by Benjamin Lo.
A great book written from Grandmaster Cheng’s own experience and comprehension of Tai Chi – A Taoist art. Theory only, no instruction on form or Push Hand practice. Lots of the contents are quite advanced. I don’t think it’s suited for beginners, but very helpful for intermediate and advanced practitioners.
4. “杨澄甫式太极拳”, by Yang Zhenji (杨振基)
Chinese book only.
Detailed instruction on “Eight Five” form with its own uniqueness such as turning without weight on the legs (虚腿). It’s also valuable that the books disclosed many so called Yang family secret Tai Chi treatises.
5. “杨氏太极拳真传”, by Zhao Bin (赵斌)
Chinese book only.
Good “Eight Five” form instruction. A special chapter dedicated to the debate of “who created Tai Chi”. It’s also has many Tai Chi classics inside.
6. Other books by Yang Chengfu’s disciples:
- “太极拳术” by Chen Weiming (陈微明). Available in English, “Tai Chi Classics: An Annotated Translation” translated by Barbara Davis.
- “太极拳刀剑杆散手合编” by Chen Yanlin (陈炎林) – disciple of Tian Zhaolin (田兆麟)
- “太极拳释义” by Dong Yingjie (董英杰)
- “杨氏太极拳诠真” by Chen Longxian (陈龙骧) – disciple of Li Yaxuan (李雅轩)
Those books all have good instruction on “Eight Five” form with their own add-ons such as martial applications, weapon, Push Hands drills and Tai Chi Questions and Answers.
Please note that books are there to help your learning. A knowledgeable teacher (Sifu) and your own dedication in practicing are far more important!
Awesome list. Thanks Sifu for sharing. Will progressively add to my library as my training advances.