• Focus on “Dantian (丹田)” or “Waist and Kua (腰胯)”

    “Dantian (丹田)” and “Waist and Kua (腰胯)” refer to similar area of the body (around waist area) but with clear distinction. These days Dantian (丹田) seems to be placed with mysterious importance as if it’s the source of internal power by many Tai Chi practioners. I think it’s over stated. “Waist and Kua (腰胯)” is

  • Making progress of “Eight Five form” (八五式)

    As I mentioned before, “Eight Five form” (八五式) or someone else call it “Long Form” should be a core practice for any serious Yang style Tai Chi practitioners. It is certainly an integral part of our training curriculum. Here is what I see as the progress of learning the form: 1. Learning each movement (式) standalone
  • True or Fake Tai Chi

    I’m not sure if it’s commercial reason or fashion, there are many new Tai Chi styles or sub-styles these days which really confuse new or even seasoned Tai Chi practitioners. My friends and students asked me a lot about those. So let’s look at what the Tai Chi classics said. I have taken out three